Platforms list

High Performance Computing Center at the CEA

The TGCC (Très Grand Centre de Calcul) is a high performance computing infrastructure at the CEA (French Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative…

Sequencing platform of Strasbourg GENOMAX

GENOMAX applies various next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods and develops NGS-based tools in the context of scientific collaborations and…

Sequencing platform of Genoscope

The François .Jacob Institute of Biology of the CEA (French Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies) brings together two national…

Sequencing and genotyping platform of CNRGH

The CNRGH is one of the two national platforms of the France Génomique infrastructure. Located in Evry, the CNRGH is the French national research…

Bioinformatic platform of Lille

Bilille is the Lille bioinformatics and biostatistics platform within the UAR 2014 – US 41 Lille Platforms in Biology and Health. It is also a…

The sequencing LIGAN platform

Introduction Located at EGID site on the Lille CHRU site, the Ligan-PM platform is dedicated to a plethora of next-generation sequencing protocols…

Sequencing Platform and Genomics Paris Centre – Institut Curie

Introduction The NGS platform of the Institut Curie set up in 2007 entered into a major development phase in 2012 thanks to an Equipex grant (ICGex…

Sequencing Platform of the Institut Pasteur of Paris

The Biomics technology platform is a core facility of the Center for Technological Resources and Research (C2RT) of the Institut Pasteur. This…

Sequencing platform of I2BC

Introduction The High Throughput Sequencing platform was setup in January 2010 and is available to all academic and industrial users. It handles the…

Sequencing platform GenomiqueENS

Introduction The GenomiqueENS core facility is affiliated to École normale supérieure (ENS), CNRS, INSERM, and located in Paris within the Institut…

Sequencing Platform of Strasbourg GenomEast

Introduction The GenomEast Platform is hosted at the IGBMC (CNRS / University of Strasbourg / INSERM). With an experience of over 20 years, we offer…

Bio-informatic platform of the Institut Curie of Paris (CUBIC)

Activities The Institut Curie’s Bioinformatics Platform is staffed by around twenty bioinformaticians, biostatisticians and software…

Bio-informatic platform of the Institut Pasteur of Paris

Missions The bioinformatics platform of the Institut Pasteur brings together the Informatics Centre for Biology (Centre d’Informatique pour la…

Bio-informatic platform of Evry

The MicroScope platform is an informatics infrastructure dedicated to the annotation and comparative analysis of genomes and metagenomes of…

Bioinformatics platform of Versailles

The Info Genomics Research Unit (URGI, UR1164) is an INRAE ​​research unit of the Plant Biology and Breeding department. PlantBioinfoPF, hosted by…

Bioinformatics Platform InforBio

InforBio (formerly ARTbio) is the bioinformatics platform of the Institut de Biologie Paris Seine, a 600-member research institute located on the…