France Genomique

France Genomique brings together and mutualises the resources of the most efficient French genomics and bioinformatics platforms.

Its ambition is to maintain French research at the highest level of competitiveness and performance in the production and analysis of genomic data.

It offers the public and private scientific community the highest level of expertise and skills, as well as project support.

More than


platforms in France

More than


co-written publications since 2014

More than


high impact projects financed



The most outstanding article of the year awarded by AAAS

The AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Award 2024 went to the paper "Early of Domestic Horses in the Great Plains and Northern Rockies" published in Science (10.1126/science.adc969), which combines…

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Bioinformatics school “Initiation to data analysis”

The 2024 edition of the Aviesan - IFB - Inserm Bioinformatics School dedicated to "Initiation to the processing of genomic data from high-throughput sequencing" will take place from 17 to 22 November 2024 in Roscoff. It will focus on the analysis of DNA variants, ChIP-Seq, Bulk RNA-Seq and Single-Cell RNA-Seq data.

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Metagenomics school

The "Metagenomics in the field in Guyana's equatorial forest" thematic school will be held at the Nouragues station from 2 to 6 April 2024.

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All trainingse-learning Sessions

A mutualised expertise

The France Genomics platforms offer a wide range of cutting-edge techniques in different fields of application of new sequencing technologies.

The e-infrastructure

The TGCC, an e-infrastructure of more than 5 petabytes dedicated to data processing and storage.


Assistant engineer biologist NGS (Toulouse GeT-PlaGe)

GeT-PlaGe Toulouse-Occitanie is recruiting an assistant engineer biologist in biological…

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FTC Bioinfo GeT-PlaGe

The INRAe GeT-PlaGe service unit at the Toulouse-Occitanie center is recruiting! A vacancy is…

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PhD candidate in microbial epigenomics

The Genoscope is looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. candidate to work in the broad field of…

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