Bio-informatic platform of Evry
The MicroScope platform is an informatics infrastructure dedicated to the annotation and comparative analysis of genomes and metagenomes of microorganisms.
- Development of tools for annotation, genomics and the comparative metabolism of microbial genomes (bacteria and archaea).
- Organisation and management of genomic and metabolic data in database structures
- Development of web interfaces and tools for the MicroScope platform
- Annotation of newly sequenced genomes and re-annotation of genomes
- NGS data processing: polymorphism (SNP) and transcriptomics (RNA-seq) projects.
- Training in annotation and comparative analysis of genomic and metabolic data.
These services are available to the scientific community ( Several types of projects are eligible for “basic” or “collaborative” services: i.e. genomics projects, metagenomics projects, RNA-Seq and evolutionary projects.
The MicroScope platform benefits from the informatics infrastructure of the Genoscope:
- stockage NAS (30 To) avec sauvegarde et archivage
- un cluster de calcul (200 cœurs)
- deux serveurs de base de données
- un serveur Web
Main achievements
About 4000 microbial genomes annotated since 2002 with a current integration rate of 5 new genomes per day.
MicroScope supports more than 350 active users per month (2500 user accounts, 1700 unique visitors and 3900 expert annotations per month in 2014).
MicroScope has been cited more than 450 times since 2006. Over the past 5 years, about 100 collaborative publications have been published.

Certification / Quality Assurance
The LABGeM is certified ISO 9001: 2008 since January 2012 and NF X50-900 since January 2015. This certificate applies to research, development and service activities.
MicroScope platform: IBiSA certified since 2006.
Platform Managment
Alexandra Calteau
David Vallenet
UMR CEA/CNRS UMR 8030/université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne
CEA / Institut de biologie François Jacob / Genoscope
2, rue Gaston Crémieux 91057 EVRY Cedex – FRANCE