17 September 2024
Des scientifiques de 33 pays européens unissent leurs forces pour générer des génomes de référence pour la riche biodiversité du continent.
Le projet pilote de "The European Reference Genome Atlas" (ERGA) fait état de son succès en réunissant des chercheurs de toute l'Europe pour produire des génomes de référence de haute qualité pour 98…
19 August 2024
Microbial diversity in PDO cheeses
The MetaPDOCheese project, awarded of the AAP France Genomics 2017, enabled the first metagenomic analysis (Irlinger F et al. 2024) of 44 varieties of AOP matured cheeses and the identification of a…
19 February 2024
The most outstanding article of the year awarded by AAAS
The AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Award 2024 went to the paper "Early of Domestic Horses in the Great Plains and Northern Rockies" published in Science (10.1126/science.adc969), which combines…
13 December 2023
Alternative splicing in response to Listeria infection
A team from ENS Paris with the help from GenomiqueENS platform studied the response and the reorganization of gene expression in cells due to the introduction of bacteria. They combined long- and…
15 June 2023
Single-cell atlas of the whole human lung
First integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas reveals insights into lung diseases The largest and most comprehensive cell map of the Human Lung was recently published in Nature Medicine (Link). Revealing…
2 June 2023
Diversity of coral reefs finally uncovered
A portfolio of 9 papers is published today on the TARA project in multiple Springer Nature journals. It is the largest study of its kind on coral reefs. It was made possible thanks to the collection…
28 April 2023
Inflammation and cancer: the role of copper identified
A new study published in the journal Nature has identified A druggable copper-signaling pathway that drives inflammation. The study was led by researchers from the Institut Curie in Paris, France,…
21 April 2023
Mirusviruses, at the crossroads of evolution
An international team of researchers has discovered “mirusviruses”, a new group of DNA viruses, among the massive sequencing data generated at Genoscope from samples collected during Tara Oceans…
11 April 2023
Impact of genetic variations in mitotic function and telomeres on sarcoma susceptibility
Supported by France Genomique, the FREX consortium and colleagues (including the CNRGH) identified distinct biological pathways involved in mitotic and telomere functions, where mutations increase…
31 March 2023
The untold history of the horse in the American Plains, a new future for the world
The continent of North America is where horses first emerged. Millions of years of evolutionary changes transformed the horse before it became the natural companion of many Indigenous Peoples and the…
6 March 2023
GeT PlaGe helps to solve early diversification of teleost fish
End of 50 years of controversy! The initial evolution of teleost fishes has long been the subject of debate, particularly over the identification of the clades that diverged 250 million years ago.…
30 September 2022
The CNRGH as the genomic partner in PROPSY
PROPSY, PEPR for Precision Psychiatry, aims to develop research on psychiatric diseases such as bipolarity, depression, schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. The CNRGH, partner of the project…
9 September 2022
The extraordinary journey of donkeys around the world finally solved.
A paper released today in Science, with scientists from Genoscope and GeT-PlaGe platforms reveals that donkeys spread like a wildfire out of Africa around 4,500 years ago, reaching Europe and Asia…
21 July 2022
France Genomique partner in a massive projet awardee of the PEPR call
Among the 13 new awardees of the second wave of calls for projects for Priority Research Programs and Equipment (PEPR), the ATLASea project (Atlas of marine genomes: from big data to innovation) will…