Bio-informatic platform of the Institut Pasteur of Paris
The bioinformatics platform of the Institut Pasteur brings together the Informatics Centre for Biology (Centre d’Informatique pour la Biologie – CIB) and the Genomics Bioanalysis platform (Plateforme de Bioanalyse Génomique – PFBaG). Its missions include providing access to bioinformatics tools and expertise, and providing advice and support for the biological interpretation of data generated by genomic research projects. The CIB makes available numerous bioinformatics resources and undertakes the informatics aspects of new developments, while PFBaG provides bioinformatics expertise and offers original analysis strategies.
Working in close interaction with the « wet » platforms of Genopole Pasteur, the bioinformatics platform makes available its expertise on the majority of the applications associated with high throughput sequencing (identification of variants, identification of infectious agents, RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq analysis, etc.).
- 40 data banks totalling 4.7 TB (EMBL, GenBank, RefSeq, UniProt, PDB, etc.)
- 230 software packages regrouping approximately 1,350 programmes referenced according to the EDAM ontology on a shared website (; the software is executed on a central computer cluster at the Institut Pasteur.
- Mobyle: Web portal that is user-friendly to bioinformatics software ( ; this portal is open to the community, offering a service comparable to that provided by NCBI, EBI or SIB; in 2011, 360,069 jobs were launched by 40,000 users.
- Numerous other major tools are available: Galaxy, GBrowse …
Principales réalisations
The PFBaG platform undertakes around 10 projects/year, and the CIB undertakes around 30 projects/year.

IBiSA 2010 certification (regional platform APLIBIO)
Platform Manager
Marie Agnes DILLIES
Institut Pasteur
28 rue du Docteur Roux
75724 PARIS Cedex 15