Platforms list

Bioinformatic platform of Lille

The bilille platform offers a wide range of services in bioinformatics, from advice to support in your projects, whether you are a beginner or more…

Bio-informatic platform of the Institut Curie of Paris

Missions Integration of omics data, analysis of omics and other data, development of methods and tools for bioinformatics and statisticsTypes of…

Bio-informatic platform of the Institut Pasteur of Paris

Missions The bioinformatics platform of the Institut Pasteur brings together the Informatics Centre for Biology (Centre d’Informatique pour la…

Bio-informatic platform of Evry

The MicroScope platform is an informatics infrastructure dedicated to the annotation and comparative analysis of genomes and metagenomes of…

Bioinformatics platform of Versailles

The Info Genomics Research Unit (URGI, UR1164) is an INRAE ​​research unit of the Plant Biology and Breeding department. PlantBioinfoPF, hosted by…

Bioinformatics Platform ARTBio

ARTbio is the bioinformatics platform of the Institut de Biologie Paris Seine, a 600-members research institute located in the campus Jussieu of…

Bio-informatics platform of Jouy en Josas

The MIGALE platform has two main objectives : To make available an informatics infrastructure dedicated to the analysis of genomics data: by…

Bioinformatics platform of Clermont Ferrand AuBi

The Auvergne Bioinformatics platform (AuBi) began its set-up in 2015. It brings together the bioinformatics resources of the Auvergne site, and…

Bio-informatics platform of Roscoff ABiMS

The mission of the ABiMS (Analysis and Bioinformatics for Marine Science) platform at the Roscoff Biological Station is to train and support…

Bioinformatics Platform of Lyon

The PRABI platform is part of the National Bioinformatics Network (RENABI). It comprises two components: PRABI-Doua and PRABI-Analysis and data…

Bio-informatics Platform of Bordeaux CBiB

The team at the Bordeaux Bioinformatics Centre (CBiB) operates at the frontier between life sciences and computer science – statistics. Its…

Bioinformatics platform of Toulouse

Expertise Bioinformatics – Sequence analysis – Assembly – Genome and transcript annotation (coding, non-coding) – ncRNA analysis – Diversity…

Bioinformatics Platform of Montpellier

Expertise Qualitative transcriptome analysis using RNA-Seq or Digital Gene Expression (SAGE) De novo transcriptome assembly (RNA-Seq) Hybrid…

Bioinformatics Platform of Marseille

PACA BioInfo is a metagenomics data analysis platform (genomic and transcriptomic sequencing), specialised in molecular phylogenetics. Equipments……