Bio-informatics platform of Jouy en Josas
The MIGALE platform has two main objectives :
- To make available an informatics infrastructure dedicated to the analysis of genomics data:
- by providing the material means, CPU, storage, memory
- by making available collections of specific and generic genomics data
- by providing online access to bioinformatics tools for data analysis
- To transfer know-how in bioinformatics:
- by organising training courses
- by offering advice and support to users
- by carrying out design and development activities for processing and analysis of user data
Expertise and equipments
The informatics infrastructure of the MIGALE platform has 75 servers running on Linux and a computing cluster comprising 580 processors.
Storage capacity is 75 TB. More than 65 data banks, either generic or specific, are made available and more than 100 bioinformatics tools are available (on commande line or thru a server Galaxy for data analysis.
MIGALE organises bioinformatics training (14 modules comprising approximately 20 days of study), and has trained around 900 individuals since 2005. The platform also offers IT development services (databases, websites, etc.) for user projects.Training cycle.
The plateform propose informatic developments (databases, web sites, etc.) in the frame of users projects.
Main achievements
MIGALE hosts the AGMIAL prokaryotic genome annotation platform (100 users, 65 annotated genomes). It also provides logistics support, via the MaIAGE unit, for the genomics projects of the biology teams (around 40 projects since 2005), and hosts 500 user projects.

Certification / Quality Assurance
Certification ISO9001 since April 2011
IBiSA since 2010

Platform Managment
Sophie Schbath (scientific manager)
Valentin Loux (operation manager)
Unité Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées du Génome à l’Environnement (MaIAGE)
Centre de recherche de Jouy en Josas
Valentin Loux ou Sophie Schbath
01 34 65 28 95