Bioinformatics platform of Clermont Ferrand AuBi
The Auvergne Bioinformatics platform (AuBi) began its set-up in 2015. It brings together the bioinformatics resources of the Auvergne site, and relies on the computing and storage resources of the Clermont-Auvergne Mesocentre. It is affiliated with the French Institute of Bioinformatics.
We support researchers in setting up projects and in using the resources of the Mesocentre and the AuBi platform.
Expertise and equipments
The AuBi platform regroups laboratories from the University of Clermont Auvergne & Associates (UCA, INRAE, INSERM) with a strong expertise in genomics, epigenomics and metagenomics. The biological models are varied (micro-organisms, plants, animals) giving a generalist character to many tools.
An exhaustive list can be consulted here
The AuBi platform contributes to the initial training of the Bioinformatics Master’s degree as well as to continuing education by offering training courses within the framework of the UCA Staff Training Service.
The databases and tools developed by the laboratories of the AuBi platform are available from the IFB catalogue here.
Main achievements
The Clermont Auvergne Mesocentre provides access to public biological databases. Their updates are managed by BioMAJ. The raw data come from remote sites (NCBI, flybase, ensembl, …) and are automatically indexed locally to be used by the various tools on the HPC2 computing cluster or via the Galaxy web server.
The list of available databases and related information is accessible through the BioMAJWatcher interface. If you need an unavailable public database or specific indexes, please send a ticket to specifying the name of the database and the download URL (ftp if possible) or the desired index format.
A Galaxy web service for bioanalysis is hosted and administered by the Clermont-Auvergne Mesocentre to conduct transcriptomics, genomics, metagenomics, etc. The request to open an account is made online.
An OMERO web service for storing images and associated metadata is hosted by the Clermont-Auvergne Mesocentre. The project is initiated by the GReD and all enquiries should be addressed to
Last update February 2025

Certification / Quality Assurance

Platform Managment
Pierre PEYRET Scientific Manager
Nadia GOUE Executive Manger
Nadia GOUE
+33 4 73 40 76 24