Bioinformatics Platform of Lyon
The PRABI platform is part of the National Bioinformatics Network (RENABI). It comprises two components: PRABI-Doua and PRABI-Analysis and data modelling, both of which specialise in the analysis of genomic, transcriptomic and metagenomics data, with a strong emphasis on the ecology and evolutionary aspects.
PRABI-Doua / LBBE is equipped with a 14-node, 576 core computing cluster totalling 3 TB of memory. Storage capacity: 130 TB. Part of this resource is made available through the distributed infrastructure project for biology, GRISBI (French computational Grid).
Main achievements
Availability of biological databases: ACNUC (sequences), HOVERGEN, HOGENOM (gene families), PRODOM (protein domain families)
Key tools: QUERY (database interrogation), Seaview (alignment and phylogeny), ADE4 (R package for data analysis).
PRABI-Doua is a key player in the ANCESTROME project.
PRABI-Analyses and data modelling is often used in the case of RNA, for microarray data analysis, annotation and data analysis of high-throughput sequence data (genomic and metagenomics data).
Training courses in phylogeny, statistics with R, NGS data analysis.

The PRABI platform is IBiSA certified.
Platform Managment
Dr Vincent Navratil
Université Claude Bernard Lyon1,
Campus scientifique de la Doua,
69622 Villeurbanne cedex
Some members of the PRABI are affiliated to the Laboratory of Biometrics and Evolutionary Biology (UMR5558 CNRS-Univ.Lyon1).
Vincent Navratil :