Sequencing Platform from Clermont-Ferrand
The GENTYANE (GEnoTYpage and sequencing in AuvergNE) platform is affiliated to INRAE (Centre de Clermont-Theix) and particularly to the Biology and Plant Improvement Department (BAP).
The scientific objectives of the platform are:
(1) to support the research conducted in the various teams of the UMR GDEC
(2) to carry out genotyping and sequencing services on behalf of other INRAE teams or other public and private bodies
(3) to ensure a technological watch enabling new tools to be implemented that respond better, more quickly and at a lower cost to users’ expectations
(4) training of students but also of staff of our partners within the framework of collaborative projects
The team is composed of engineers and technicians, experts in genotyping and sequencing. We have a building with all the safety features: electrical, fire and access control.
- Genotyping :
- SNP with Pace Assay 3CR Bio technology (384 plates or Fluidigm microfluidics)
- Genotyping by AgriSeq Thermo GBS sequencing (from 300 to 5000 SNPs on several thousand individuals)
- SNP with AXIOM technology (up to 675000 SNP in chip format 96 and up to 7000 SNP in chip format 384).
- Microsatellites on capillary sequencer (96)
- Gene expression study on Fluidigm 48*48 or 96*96Genomics chip
- Sequencing : SR and LR de novo sequencing, amplicons, resequencing, metagenomics, RNAseq
- High throughput DNA extraction : the GENTYANE platform offers automated DNA extraction from animals or plants (magnetic beads) using a Beckman i-Series i7 robot with a throughput of 1536 samples per day together with an Hamilton Vantage
- Sequencing : , Revio and Sequel 8M Pacific Biosciences, P2i ONT, IIon S5 Thermo et Aviti Element Biosciences
- Genotyping : 2 Genetitan Affymetrix ; 3730xl DNA Analyzer, Biomark, JUNO, Biomark X, LightCycler 480, AgriSeq Thermo Solution (Ion Chef and S5 Prime)
- Robotics : 3 Beckman FxP, 1 Beckman i-Series i7,1 Biomek 4000, 1 Hamilton STARlet, Hamilton Vantage,Integra Assist Plus
- Others : Megaruptor 3, 1 BluePippin Sage, Tecan Spark, 2 Fragment Analyser Agilent, 1 Fragment Analyser Femto Pulse, 3 Integra ViaFlo 96 and 384, Qubit Flex Fluorometer

Main achievements
Completion of 300 projects (average annual turnover of €2.5 million) and ~25 scientific papers per year over the past 5 years
- Pubert, M-C. et al. A cluster of putative resistance genes is associated with a dominant resistance to sunflower broomrape, Theor Appl Genet (2024)
- Kuhl, H. et al. Multi-genome comparisons reveal gain-and-loss evolution of anti-Mullerian hormone receptor type 2 as a candidate master sex-determining gene in Percidae, BMC Biol (2024)
- Barthélémy, D. et al. Direct Comparative Analysis of a Pharmacogenomics Panel with PacBio Hifi® Long-Read and Illumina Short-Read Sequencing, Journal of Personalized Medicine. (2023)
- Ramírez-Sánchez, D. et al. Investigating genetic diversity within the most abundant and prevalent non-pathogenic leaf-associated bacteria interacting with Arabidopsis thaliana in natural habitats, Frontiers in Microbiology. (2022) Corrigendum (2023).
- Fayad, N. et al. Complete genome sequences of two Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki strains isolated from Lebanon and Tunisia, highly toxic against lepidopteran larvae, Microbiology Resource Announcements. (2023)
- Delpuech, E. et al. Whole‐genome sequencing identifies interferon-induced protein IFI6/IFI27-like as a strong candidate gene for VNN resistance in European sea bass, Genetics Selection Evolution. (2023)
- Huang, K. et al. The genomics of linkage drag in inbred lines of sunflower, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (2023)
Last update January 2025

Certification / Quality Assurance
Platform certified ISO9001 since 2012, and NFX50-900 since 2014
IBiSA platform certified as a strategic platform by INRAE.

Platform Managment
Charles Poncet
Gentyane Plateform
UMR INRAE 1095 Génétique Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales
5 chemin de beaulieu,
63039 Clermont Ferrand cedex
Charles Poncet :
04 73 62 48 54