Sequencing platform of Rennes
The ’EcogenO’ core facility belongs to the University of Rennes and the CNRS (France). The platform, which specialises in environmental genomics, offers original approaches and promotes the transfer of knowledge and expertise in the field.
The EcogenO core facility offers the implementation and support of sequencing projects, from library preparation to primary bioinformatics analyses of the data generated by our NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) equipment. We provide a self-service access to different state of the art equipment to users who have been previously trained..
The EcogenO platform also carries out high throughput quantitative PCR projects using Takara’s smartchip system, working on 5184-well plates. This technology also allows genotyping and high throughput preparation of amplicon libraries.
Since 2019, the EcogenO Platform started single cells experiments using CellenOne equipment, which particularly avoids doublets. Developments to efficiently prepare Single Cell libraries are ongoing
- Sequencing : MiSeq - Illumina, DNBSEQ-G400 - MGI
- High throughput - qPCR/Genotyping/ amplicon : Smartchip Real Time PCR - Takara/Wafergen
- Single Cell dispensing : CellenOne – Cellenion.
- Automated Liquid Handling Platform : Biomek NXᴾ Span8 – Beckman, MGISP-960 - MGI
- Others : Fragment Analyser & BioAnalyser – Agilent, Pulsed field electrophoresis CHEF-DR2 - Biorad, Covaris M220, LC 480 -Roche, thermocycling machine & others molecular biology equipment.

Mains projects and offers
- Libraries preparation and sequencing: Genome- metagenome (DNAseq)- transcriptome-metatranscriptome (RNAseq), Amplicon sequencing (inter- or intraspecific diversity analyses, mutation analyses),Single cell (development in progress during 2019)
- High throughput projects: quantitative PCR, genotyping and target enrichment. Smartchip with 5184 wells allowing analyses of 384 samples/target in one chip.
- Microbial diversity analyses: 16S, 18S, Archaea – High throughput (up to 384 samples in one-step PCR).
- Development of bioinformatic analyzes specific to a project or an application in a collaborative mode.
This is a non-exhaustive list. The core facility aims to assist users and develop novel innovative applications and sequencing strategies. Feel free to contact us in order to talk about your specific project.
Last update January 2025

Certification / Quality Assurance
IBiSA label since april 2012.

Platform Managment
Scientific manager :
Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse
Tel : 02 23 23 51 27 (Campus de Beaulieu)