Sequencing platform of Paris – Genom’IC Institut Cochin
GENOM’IC is the technological platform of the Cochin Institute (INSERM U1016 – CNRS UMR8104 – Université Paris Descartes) open to the entire academic, industrial and hospital scientific community. Specialized in the study of the genome and the transcriptome, GENOM’IC particularly supports transcriptome analysis projects based on DNA chips and high-though put sequencing (NGS) by combining the production of quality data and their bioinformatic analysis. GENOM’IC also collaborates in innovative projects by offering its technical skills and by ensuring constant technological monitoring. The quality certification initiated in 2012 guarantees the quality of the experiments performed (ISO9001 certified) and the data produced, and enables us to meet our customers’ requirements.
The team is composed of 7 people, engineers, engineering assistants, technicians, with skills in biology and bioinformatics.
- Quality control of biological samples (RNA, DNA)
- Detection of multiple targets by hybridization (Nanostring technology)
- DNA chip transcriptome analysis (Affymetrix technology)
- Transcriptome analysis (mRNA, ncRNA, small RNA) by NGS (Illumina technology)
- Targeted sequencing (Exome among others) and multiplexed PCR (Ion torrent technology)
- Sequencing of small genomes

- 1 Nextseq 500 Illumina, 1 MiSeq Illumina, 1 PGM, 1 S5XL, 2 Ion Chef (Ion Torrent)
- 1 Nanostring Prepstation
- 4 LightCycler 480 Rock
- 2 Agilent 2100 bioanalysers
- 1 Affymetrix GCS3000 7G station (1 scanner, 3 fluidic, 3 ovens)

Certification / Quality Assurance
GENOM’IC is ISO9001 certified since 2012.
Listed among the platforms of the Cancéropole d’Ile de France since 2015.

Platform Managment
Franck Letourneur
GENOMIC Plateform
Batiment G Roussy 3ème étage
27 rue du faubourg Saint Jacques
75014 Paris