Sequencing platform of Paris-Saclay
The iPS2 TranscriptOmics Platform (POPS) offers :
1. Expertise for the analysis of gene expression in plants using high-throughput RNA sequencing
This offer is complemented by bioinformatics and statistical analysis allowing the quantitative analysis of the transcriptome.
2. Development of methodology in order to best meet the requests of our collaborators and to extend our range of services.
3. Training and scientific events.
directional RNA-seq
Small RNA-seq
Ultralow RNA-seq
Sequencing: 1 NextSeq500, 1 Miseq, access to HiSeq 2500/4000 Illumina sequencers from the Genoscope in Evry
Robotics : 1 Beckman Biomek FX
Others: 1 Sage Science PippinHT, 1 Covaris M220, 2 Agilent BioAnalyser, 1 Agilent TapeStation, 1 BMG Labtech CLARIOstar
- RNA-seq directional
- Small RNA-seq
- Ultralow RNA-seq
- prints
- …
- Sequencing : 1 NextSeq500, 1 Miseq, access to HiSeq 2500/4000 Illumina sequencers from the Genoscope in Evry
- Robotics : 1 Beckman Biomek FX
- Others : 1 Sage Science PippinHT, 1 Covaris M220, 2 Agilent BioAnalyser, 1 Agilent TapeStation, 1 BMG Labtech CLARIOstar

Certification / Quality Assurance
Certified ISO9001 since 2012
IBiSA certified platform since 2008
National Strategic Platform by INRAE since 2008

Platform Managment
Etienne Delannoy
Médine Benchouaïa
IPS2, Institute of Plant Sciences – Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 630, rue de Noetzlin
Plateau du Moulon
91190 – Gif-sur-Yvette
Plateau du Moulon
Etienne Delannoy
POPS, Plateforme TranscriptOmique de l’iPS2
01 69 15 77 19