Platforms list

Sequencing platform of Strasbourg GENOMAX

GENOMAX applies various next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods and develops NGS-based tools in the context of scientific collaborations and…

Sequencing platform of Paris-Saclay

The iPS2 TranscriptOmics Platform (POPS) offers : 1. Expertise for the analysis of gene expression in plants using high-throughput RNA sequencing…

Sequencing platform of Rennes

The ’EcogenO’ core facility belongs to the University of Rennes and the CNRS (France). The platform, which specialises in environmental genomics,…

The sequencing platform of Lille Go@l

GO@L GEnOmique @ Lille) is the genomics platform of the PLBS unit (UAR2014-US41). It provides a wide range of solutions and expertise in the field of…

Genomic platform of Nantes GenoA

The GenoA (GEnomics Atlantic) platform is open to the scientific community including academic laboratories, hospital services and private companies.…

Sequencing platform of Lyon

ProfileXpert ( is a genomics and microgenomics platform of the University of Lyon1 affiliated to the SFR santé Lyon-Est (UCBL UMS…

Sequencing platform of Bordeaux PGTB

The Genome Transcriptome Platform of Bordeaux (PGTB) is a technological infrastructure supported by the UMR BIOGECO and open to the entire academic…

Sequencing platform of Paris – iGenSeq ICM

iGenSeq is a sequencing platform accessible to the scientific community including university laboratories, hospital facilities and industrial…

Sequencing platform of Paris – Genom’IC Institut Cochin

GENOM’IC is the technological platform of the Cochin Institute (INSERM U1016 – CNRS UMR8104 – Université Paris Descartes) open to the…